Born in 1974, Andre, better known as Sixx, was lucky to be born a military brat in the U.S. Air Force. As a teen his family settled in San Antonio Texas, Giving him a great opportunity to have been immersed in other countries cultures and art. Graduating high school in Arkansas. It didnt take him long to get into art school and begin his journey. Father to 4 band geeks, and Grandfather to 3 awesome grandbabies, Sixx has stories that'll make you smile if you wanna listen.
Sixx was about 13 years old when he first told people he was going to be a tattoo artist. Like specifically a tattoo artist. He did his first stick and poke around that time, and after that he was hooked.. He did his initial mentorship in San Antonio Texas at Touch of a Feather. Bringing his street art and graffiti experience to his art. He has been blessed to have owned his own successful shops over the years, traveled from coast to coast, and met some fantastic and life long friends since he began his career in the 90s. Not to mention the great friends he has made thru tattooing over the years. Tattooing has always been at the core of his artistic expression. As well as drawing, painting, & exploring life with his kids.
Sixx is current in his Bloodborne Pathogens Certification, CPR response Training, and has held Tattooing Licenses in Texas, Georgia, Alabama, Florida, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Tennessee and North Carolina. He is currently a member of the APT, as well as some other local tattooing and body modification organizations.